Friday, December 6, 2013

Rubbermaid Reveal Spray Mop Contest


Another contest has just started! Just answer 2 simple questions based on the video and if you get both of your answer correct, you will get 20% off for purchasing Rubbermaid Reveal Spray Mop from Superbuy.

Please submit your answer in the comment in Superbuy's Facebook page

Contest ends at 9th December 12pm

1. Is Rub
bermaid Reveal Spray Mop using microfiber cleaning pad? Yes or No?

2. What is the characteristic of Rubbermaid Reveal Spray Mop?
(Multiple choice question, select one answer from below)

a. Microfiber Pads are reusable and machine washable up to 100 times
b. Microfiber cleaning pad picks up 50% more dirt and dust compared to traditional mop
c. Spray trigger allows you to dispense your own mixed solution at your desired amount.
d. a,b and c
e. Rubbermaid Reveal Spray Mop require battery to operate.

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